FREMONT CA Demographics
General Stats:
Total Population:203413
Male:102273 (50%)
Female:101140 (49%)
18+ years old male:75174
18+ years old female:75787
65+ years old male:7232
65+ years old female:9735
25+ years old total:136242
25+ years old less than 9th grade:6943 (5%)
25+ years old 12th grade w/ no degree:8856 (6%)
25+ years old with HS degree:22968 (16%)
25+ years old with some college:27545 (20%)
25+ years old with associated degree:11134 (8%)
25+ years old with bachelor degree:36068 (26%)
Median household income:76579
Median family income:82199
Per capital income:31411
Married Status:
15+ years old total:158764
15+ years old never married:40027 (25%)
15+ years old married but separated:97024 (61%)
15+ years old seperated:2150 (1%)
15+ years old widowed:6963 (4%)
15+ years old divorced:12600 (7%)
Total family households:52228
Total non-family households:16009
Avg household size:2.96
Avg family size:3.34
16+ years old total:156083
16+ in labor force:106437 (68%)
16+ not in labor force:49646 (31%)
16+ workers:100215 (64%)
16+ workers that commute alone:77584 (49%)
16+ workers that carpools:12413 (7%)
16+ workers that use public trans:5017 (3%)
16+ workers that walk to work:1091 (0%)
16+ workers other means to work:1425 (0%)
16+ work at home:2685 (1%)
16+ mean travel time to work:31.4 mins
Total housing units:69452
Total occupied housing units:68237
Total vacant housing units:1215
Owner occupied housing units:44033
Renter occupied housing units:24204
Median rooms in housing units:5.3
Median home value of owner occupied units:363400
Total white:96968
Total black/african american:6310
Total american indian natives:1048
Total asian:75165
Total native hawaii/pacific islanders:819
Other races:11230
Total two plus race:11873
Total hispanic or latino:27409
Total white along not hispanic or latino:84149